About this book:

This book began after I had analysed my thoughts during the intensive reading of the book on Halftime by Bob Buford. These thoughts have become this book.

I am sure that you can add hundreds more from your own experience. Some of these thoughts are more important than others, but all have added a degree of joy, meaning and efficiency to my life.

I trust that would also be a source of encouragement in your repositioning of yourself for the future.

Meet the Author:


  1.  In Africa they call him The Young One, The One Who Brings The Fire, The Platinum Eagle, The Wisdom Doctor.

  2.  On the StrengtsFinder: He is Futuristic, Strategic Thinker and Maximiser, Full of ideas and Responsibility.

  3.  He Always Wants to be F.A.T. (Faithful, Available, and Teachable).

  4.  Feedback from his clients: When you work with Mario, you will always get more than what you asked for. So, challenge him and ask for more.

  5.  His favourite Bible verse: Romans 12:2 - Do not conform any longer to the pattern of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

  6.  Mario is passionate about the wellbeing and development of people, and sees the untapped potential in them.

  7. As Psychologist, he likes to help people to discover their unique design.

  8. He is a passionate and enthusiastic advocate of lifelong learning, personal growth and development. The study leader of 160 MBA research projects.

  9.  He is an inspiring Action-Directed Business Coach and an expert in Emotional Intelligence.

  10.  His Mission Statement: I am trusting God to use my coaching and assessment skills to serve leaders in order to significantly impact them in the areas of Character-Based Leadership development.

  11.  Happily Married for 44 years to his covenant wife - the wife of his youth - with three sons and five grandchildren.

  12.  His Favourite Closing Comments on TV and Radio:
    Make a difference!
    Let the rest of your life be the best part of your life!
    You ain’t seen nothing yet!
    Prayer is the most powerful, cost effective under-utilized management tool.
    Leadership is about following Him, serving others and influencing the world to make a lasting Kingdom Impact.

Purchase What Is In The Well Will Come Out In The Bucket Workbook Now!