About this book:
In business, as in private life, there comes a time for determined change - not just change, but change for the better!
And, in specific and clearly identified ways. Things can work better if we truly want them to.
I want to stimulate your thinking by inviting you into the Garden for Life thoughts.
Meet the Author:
- In Africa they call him The Young One, The One Who Brings The Fire, The Platinum Eagle, The Wisdom Doctor.
- On the StrengtsFinder: He is Futuristic, Strategic Thinker and Maximiser, Full of ideas and Responsibility.
- He Always Wants to be F.A.T. (Faithful, Available, and Teachable).
- Feedback from his clients: When you work with Mario, you will always get more than what you asked for. So, challenge him and ask for more.
- His favourite Bible verse: Romans 12:2 - Do not conform any longer to the pattern of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
- Mario is passionate about the wellbeing and development of people, and sees the untapped potential in them.
- As Psychologist, he likes to help people to discover their unique design.
- He is a passionate and enthusiastic advocate of lifelong learning, personal growth and development. The study leader of 160 MBA research projects.
- He is an inspiring Action-Directed Business Coach and an expert in Emotional Intelligence.
- His Mission Statement: I am trusting God to use my coaching and assessment skills to serve leaders in order to significantly impact them in the areas of Character-Based Leadership development.
- Happily Married for 44 years to his covenant wife - the wife of his youth - with three sons and five grandchildren.
- His Favourite Closing Comments on TV and Radio:
Make a difference!
Let the rest of your life be the best part of your life!
You ain’t seen nothing yet!
Prayer is the most powerful, cost effective under-utilized management tool.
Leadership is about following Him, serving others and influencing the world to make a lasting Kingdom Impact.