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The Power of Attitude
Special Welcome
Orientation Module and Welcome (11:25)
Personal Commitment (11:40)
Be Thankful and Live in Hope
Module 1: Always be Thankful- Your Attitude will Frame your Daily Circumstances (2:46)
Module 2: Live in Hope- Take the first steps in light of your future. (15:51)
Fulfill your purpose and be your Best
Module 3: Fulfill your Purpose- Discover your reason for the journey. (12:27)
Module 4: Be your Best- Set your convictions and values. (108:30)
Give your all and put others first
Module 5: Give your all- Be committed to excellence. (1:34)
Module 6: Put Others First– People are the priority (5:12)
Focus on the eternal
Module 7: Focus on the eternal- Keep the end in view (14:44)
Module 8: Attack the day- Now go wholeheartedly. Today is all you have.
Flourishing in Troubling Times
Chaos, Order, Maturity, and Eternity. (13:28)
Closing comments and very special Bonus
Test your insight
Action Plan (23:28)
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Special Recognition and Sources and Acknowledgment
Special Recognition and Sources and Acknowledgment
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