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Enhanced EQ and Character-based Development
First Section
Course overview (13:03)
Micro Teaching
Logical Thinking and Systems thinking (12:29)
Character-based Leadership - Introduction
Module 1: Introduction (27:17)
Character Based Leadership - Engagement
Module 2: Employee Engagement (32:10)
Character-based leadership - Design and Deliver
Module 3: Facilitating Perpetual Change (24:37)
Character-based Leadership Leading self and others through high EQ
Module 4: Starting with EQ Fundamentals (23:43)
Leading self and others through Optimising EQ
Module 5: EQ Support Part Two (42:30)
Sustainability and Governance
Module 6: Sound Ethical Leadership as Sustainable Strategy (128:42)
Session 7: Five Business-related applications for Character Principles
Final integration: Five different themes (22:32)
Overall messages and Recognition
Module 8: Final thoughts and Further coaching opportunities (9:54)
Additional Bonus material (6:56)
Module 8: Final thoughts and Further coaching opportunities
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